Place your own calls whenever possible. If the person you are calling has to wait for you to come on the line, she is apt to think you consider your time more important than hers. This perception could cause the conversation to begin with a standoffish atmosphere.
Let people know right away who’s calling. Every business telephone call should begin with the caller introducing him- or herself, identifying the company, and saying who the call is intended for. This information enhances your chances of being put through promptly to the person you are trying to reach, and you will sound confident and in control.
Try to call when you know it’s convenient for the other person. If you call a business just before closing time, you will be rushed and given half-hearted attention at best. If you get another call while on the telephone, remember that the first caller has priority.
Tell the second caller you will get back to him or her and resume your first conversation. Trivial or long-winded calls are annoying intrusions in a busy workday. Make sure you have a good reason to make a call, and deal with your business in a prompt, organized way. Another consideration is that such calls convey the impression that your job is of so little importance that you have time to make chatty, unnecessary calls. If your call somehow gets disconnected in the middle of a conversation, you should call back immediately—whatever the circumstances.
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