Monday, August 25, 2008

Writing Dear John Letter

The overriding objective in this case is to end a romantic relationship with as little pain to the other person as possible.
  • You have to start with a straightforward statement giving the reason for the letter.
  • Apologize and offer an explanation that does not blame the other person, something—if possible—that is beyond the control of either of you.
  • If there is blame involved, blame yourself.
  • Don’t lie.
  • Don’t leave the door open—not even by a crack.

Dear Robert:
After a lot of thought and soul searching, I have come to the realization that it is time to bring our relationship to an end. Our personalities, interests, and backgrounds are so different that conflicts and unhappiness are inevitable for both of us. I am firmly convinced that I will never be the sort of woman who would fit into your world. I am sure that you will come to realize that as well. I recognize that the reason for this is a lack of flexibility on my part, but I can’t seem to help it.
I think we should make a clean break and not try to contact each other again. I wish you nothing but success and happiness.

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